Serampang Dua Belas dance

Serampang Dua belas dance created by Sauti in the era of the 1940s. Sauti is a dancer born in 1903 in Côte Mirror, which is currently a part Serdang Bedagai. Sauti also a teacher and conjunct in the Legislative Bureau of Culture of North Sumatra in Medan. He died in 1963. Social dances are danced in pairs, either with the opposite sex or kind, is now famous throughout the country, even sung in Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, and Hong Kong. Fame was on one side also raised concerns because it can be claimed by other nations. When times were created, women can not come to dance because dancing is going to show their curves and is prohibited. However, the development partners of men and women dancing. The dance tells the story of the introduction of young people to enter marriage in the 12 range or 12-step movement that later became the name of the dance serampang dua belas.

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